Friday, June 5, 2009

The importance of creativity

What’s up! Today I’m going to talk about something super interesting –At least for me- which is a very realistic talk about how creativity is being killed in the education system that we are in.

I absolutely agree with Ken Robinson’s talk because in my opinion, education has been seen for a long time, I mean since like forever as “something” that you have to share with others, in this case with students, BUT because they have to be prepared for this economic system. So having said this it’s crearly easy to notice how creativity is taken in most of schools now, you have to do things that have been pre-designed for you, it’s almost impossible to be creative in a place where everything is given to you almost done, none critical thinking is used, there is no improvement of your skills either, you can hardly nurture the million ways of creativity that a person just for being a human being has.

I realize that this is not something exclusively from chilean schools because this conference took place in an English speaking country where I thought these kind of things wouldn’t happen, but yes I was obviously mistaken. So this was very easy to understand and assimilate because it's so Chilean culture LOL, and I just had to look back at the past and remember how my school was, and yes! It’s horrible to tell that it was just like this, I Could barely think on my own when my teacher was behind me telling me what to do and kind of tying my hands or my mind in this case…

Try to take a look at the video, It’s pretty awesome.

1 comment:

Creacion Enferma said...

Very reflective. I hope your essay is as thoughtful. Take care with the little slips of the pen ..... er .... finger!