Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning English BBC!

Hello everyone, Guess what!?! haha I just visited a great website!

If you are one of those who like surfing the internet looking for amazing sites to take advantage of and study until the world comes down, this is your opportunity! Go to right away! And you will find from useful articles to learn how to apply for job to audios of the sounds of english, incredible huh? And if this is not enough for you to join start this fabulous experience you can check how good or bad you are doing with this new language by doing some quizes that this website has for you!

Well, certainly this piece of writing was very irritating and actually that is what I wanted it to be... I wanted to write something different and annoying but it ended up looking like if I was giving promotion to the website LOL. 

Friday, March 20, 2009


Hallo. In this part is supposed to be put a description about me, but I think nobody reads this things unless this blog becomes super famous or so, but I guess this is not going to be the case... So welcome to my boring Addoland I hope you enjoy your stay here.